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dental sealants

Sealant and Fluoride Treatment

The Powerful Fluoride Treatment in Vibrant Vancouver 
Unleash the magical properties of fluoride as it swoops in to protect and fortify your precious tooth enamel. With its unparalleled strength, it shields your molars, warding off cavities and decay that dare to threaten your radiant smile.

  • Unleash the Power of Protection: Brace yourself for the ultimate defense! Fluoride treatment is a superhero in the battle against tooth decay. It creates an invisible shield, safeguarding your tooth enamel from the relentless attacks of harmful bacteria.
  • Fortify Your Molars: Witness the strengthening might! With the power of fluoride, your molars gain invincible strength. This superhero mineral dives deep into the enamel, fortifying it against the forces of decay and ensuring your teeth stand strong and resilient. ·
  • Embrace the Flourishing Smile: Prepare for a dazzling future! By embracing fluoride treatment, you invest in the long-lasting health and beauty of your teeth. This powerful shield paves the way for a lifetime of vibrant smiles, free from the grip of cavities and decay.
​Sealant and Fluoride Treatment
tooth sealant

Shielding Your Teeth from the Start: Unlock the Power of Dental Defence

Fluoride Treatment: A Secret Weapon for Little Heroes In the epic battle against tooth decay, children emerge victorious with the aid of fluoride treatment. As their adult teeth emerge, fluoride swoops in to combat the corrosive effects of plaque and acidic foods. Through the enchanting process of remineralization, fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, fortifying it against the relentless assault of decay.

Dental Sealants: The Impenetrable Armor for Molars Prepare to fortify your little one's smile! Molars, with their intricate grooves and fissures, become prime targets for pesky plaque and food particles. But fear not! The mystical dental sealants come to the rescue. By sealing these vulnerable areas, dental sealants shield the natural teeth, keeping decay at bay and ensuring a radiant smile.

Unleash the Power of Prevention: Embrace Sealants and Fluoride!

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  • Shielding Smiles: Endorsed by the Canadian Dental Association, sealants and fluoride are essential tools in a comprehensive preventive program. These magical treatments, when selectively used based on dental assessments, play a vital role in protecting your teeth from decay and maintaining optimal oral health. 
  • Taming Tooth Sensitivity: Delve into the depths of tooth anatomy! Beneath the protective enamel lies dentin, a layer that houses the delicate nerves. When enamel wears thin, teeth become sensitive to hot, cold, acidic, and sticky foods. Fear not, for fluoride and sealants come to the rescue! They fortify the enamel, safeguarding the sensitive dentin and ensuring your comfort. 
  • Decimating Decay: Prepare for battle against the relentless forces of decay! Worn enamel leaves teeth vulnerable to cavities and infections, bringing forth pain and potential root canals. But fear not, for fluoride treatment and sealants form a formidable defence. They prevent decay, reverse early damage, and strengthen your teeth, sparing you from costly and invasive procedures. 
  • Fortifying Future Finances: Let wisdom guide your choices! Investing in fluoride and sealants today yields immeasurable savings in the future. These affordable preventive treatments serve as a shield, averting the need for more expensive procedures as tooth decay progresses.

Schedule an Appointment today to get a brighter smile and healthy teeth

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Before we dive into planning your treatment, our main priority is to gather a complete understanding of your dental health and aesthetic goals. We want to know every detail, from the health of your smile to your desired outcomes. By gaining this insight, we can craft a personalized treatment plan that aligns perfectly with your aspirations and helps you achieve the smile you've always dreamed of.

Book Appointment 

Frequently Asked Questions

fluoride treatment faq

Delving into Fluoride Treatment

Q1. Who can benefit from fluoride treatment?

Fluoride treatment is beneficial for both children and adults. It is particularly recommended for individuals at higher risk of developing tooth decay, such as those with weak enamel, a history of cavities, or limited access to fluoridated water.

Q2. How often should fluoride treatment be done?    

The frequency of fluoride treatment depends on various factors, including your oral health condition and risk of tooth decay. Generally, it is recommended to have fluoride treatment at least once a year, but your dentist will personalize the schedule based on your specific needs.

Q3. ​​​Is fluoride treatment safe?

Yes, fluoride treatment is safe when administered in the appropriate dosage. Dental professionals carefully monitor the amount of fluoride used to ensure optimal benefits without any harmful effects. It is important to follow your dentist's recommendations and not exceed the prescribed fluoride intake.

Q4. ​How is fluoride treatment applied?    

Fluoride treatment can be applied through various methods, such as gel, foam, varnish, or mouth rinse. The dentist may use a tray, brush, or swab to apply the fluoride solution to the teeth. The procedure is quick, painless, and typically done at the end of a dental cleaning appointment.

Q5. ​​Are there any aftercare instructions following fluoride treatment?

After fluoride treatment, it is advisable to avoid eating or drinking for at least 30 minutes to allow the fluoride to fully penetrate the teeth. This maximizes its protective benefits. Additionally, maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, further enhances the effectiveness of fluoride treatment.

Our Patients Say it all for Us 

​Sealant and Fluoride Treatment

Dr. Jaina and the entire crew are amazing! They go above and beyond to make patients feel comfortable, especially those that are afraid of the dentist! I was worried about finding a new dentist in North Vancouver but after my first visit, it was a no-brainer: Infinity Dental is it!!!

Christina Steklin
​Sealant and Fluoride Treatment

Dr Josh and his team are the best! My daughter came in for 3 wisdom teeth and a few fillings. Dr. Josh was extremely friendly and gentle, answered all of her questions, and put her at ease. The team made sure she was very comfortable and regularly checked in with how she was feeling. The procedure went through smoothly and we expect a quick recovery. Thank you for making this a pleasant experience!

Katrina Javons
​Sealant and Fluoride Treatment

Schedule an Appointment today